December 09, 2005 � My husband.
I love my Jamie. I really do.

Two things really solidifyed my feelings for him. There names are Patrick and Frank.

Yesterday Frank texted me out of the blue and wanted me to come over. It was 1:13 am. There is only one thing you want from a girl you barely talk to at 1:13 am. And, a couple months ago, I might have been tempted. Tempted. But this time, I hit "delete" and put my phone back in my pocket, and didn't think about it for the rest of the night. I didn't tell Jamie about it, though, because I didn't want to stress him out. I could handle it and I did, so why upset him over nothing?

Is that wrong I didn't tell him?

And then there is Patrick. Usually my weakness. But not today. I was talking to him online and I asked if I could call him on the phone b/c I wanted to get some stuff done but I still wanted to talk to him. And he told me that was awkward. I was really confused by this b/c our last phone conversation was so good. But, I wasn't upset. I just let it go. It didn't bother me. I was surprised it didn't bother me.

Why did I care about these boys when I have someone so much more amazing then both of them combined? I was such a fool.

True, Jamie has his faults. For one, he really overreacts to little things, which usually angers me. But thats ok. We get over it in a minute or two.

Here is 10 things I love about Jamie:

*He's so affectionate and takes such good care of me.He calls me Kate Heart and I call him Jamie Love.

*He's really articulate. Almost too articulate. He can go on and on about a subject. Sometimes when he does this when I call him, I set the phone down and pick it up minutes later and he's still talking. Sometimes I wonder if he takes a breath. It's quirky, but endearing. My whole family thinks its hilarious.

*When he's into something, he's REALLY into it. He researches and analyzes. He's really smart. He wrote a two page budget for us and went over it with me at lunch the other day.

*He makes me laugh. Sure, sometimes his humor is stupid and REALLY annoying, but a lot of times, its funny. I think its more like...its funny that he's trying to be funny.

*He's the most amazing dad you've ever seen. Seriously, you wouldn't think a man his age would be so committed to us. He's tender and sweet with not just our daughter but our dog and cat too. He has such a gentle side.

*He's a health FREAK. It gets on my nerves, sometimes, but I love his good intentions.

*He puts up with me. I don't know why, but he does.

*He's such an amazing kisser. We have a lot of kissing games and special kisses. We're a really playful couple.

*He loves to hold me. He gets upset if I'm too hot and don't want to cuddle in bed. He wants me to lay in his chest. Sometimes, he holds me so tight, he's almost on top of me.

*He loves me so much. I've never had anyone love me this much. I'm so lucky I can't even believe it.

"Because maybe you're gonna be the one that saves me"~Oasis

(P.S.-While I was writing this, Marci fell asleep on the floor amist our messy room .I'll post pictures!)