March 15, 2006 � More Ring stories
Ok, all drama with my Dad aside (b/c there is more), I have to tell this hilarious story about my little Ba here.

So yesterday night while Jamie was at work, I decided to give Marci a bath. So I took off my wedding and engagement rings and put them on the entertainment center and then went to start running the water. Five minutes later, Marci comes trucking into the bathroom and I hear a little clang on the tile and her usual "Uh oh!" and I look down and there is my wedding ring. But no engagement ring.

I run back into the living room and its no longer on the entertainment center. I start to panic a little, but I decide to give Marci a bath first. After her bath and when Jamie gets home, we get on our hands and knees and scan the carpet and the house. It could be ANYWHERE. Marci is very crafty and she is good and hoarding things in places you would never think to look. So, after 20 minutes of no luck at all, I prayed to Saint Anthony (the patron of lost things) and hoped it would show up.

Then, I thought of something. I sat on the couch and called Marci over and handed her my wedding ring. I said "Marci! What do you do with this?" And she took it oh so delicately from me, looked at it for a second, and then went over to the dvd rack and stuck it in one of the little wholes (we have a sort of wicker dvd rack). Jamie and I go and take all the dvds out and turn the rack upside down, and sure enough, there is my engagement ring. We would have never looked there if she hadn't shown us! I think its amazing.

Also, here is a creepy picture Jamie took with the "automatic" fuction on our camera with the tripod. It's a family picture, but I'm sleeping in it. Tell me if you think it is as creepy as I do.