March 25, 2006 � Pepsi is betraying me with heart burn
Hmmm where have I been for 8 days, huh?

No where really. Same for every other 8 days.

So whats been happening. Here is a brief overview of the last 8 days~

*Had a huge falling out with my Dad. I felt like an orphan. It was terribly heart breaking. Out of the blue, though, we are ok now and he brought me a fish sandwich yesterday. I am sort of in the whole "its your life" vibe now and whatevering it. I want him to be happy, and if this woman is really not right for our family like we think she is, he'll come to his senses. But, if she IS the one he is supposed to be with, I can learn to accept her.

*Jamie and I were having sex on our couch when Marci came in from our room and started punching Jamie in the face and yelling while we were doing it. Talk about a mood killer.

*We got Marci a big girl bed!
Yeah, she has slept in it for a total of two hours so far. Its not going very well. But I don't know what to do! Any advice?

*The pregnancy has been ok. Still nauseous, but it seems to be subsiding over the last two days. I had some more bleeding the other day but it was dark red, which they told me at the hospital was a good sign. But I am still going to call the midwife on Monday to check with her. No hospital visits, though. No no no. I don't want to go through all that torture again, especially if they can't do anything to stop it if it IS a miscarriage.

*Jamie Love and Kate Heart are amazing, as always. Although, last night, I had a terrible dream that I found out he was messing around with Sarah Vaughn. And when I confronted him about it, he told me he doesn't love me like he used to and he wants to split up. I woke up crying, it was so real. I had to tell myself "it was just a dream. It was just a dream" but I can still feel it now. I can never break his heart like that again. I am a newly faithful wife.

*I had a few friends over last night, which was cool. Especially since my social life is at 0 lately.

Yeah, and thats about it. I am sitting here while Marci sleeps, pondering when I should continue reading "Lolita". I have to read it for my Lit class, but I'm actually enjoying it. Even if it is one creepy book.

I will tell you one last story before I depart. This is my sob story from last night.

Ok. So there is this pizza place in good old Warren, Ohio called "Brothers Pizza". Little locally owned Italian pizza place. I LOVE it to pieces. It is SO good. Thin crust, nice and greasy and cheesy, with hints of basil. Mmmmmmmmm! And, as you with children know, when you are pregnant, you get intense cravings. Well, this was my craving for yesterday. ALL day and night it was all I could think about. Jamie told me we could get some on the way to work, but that didn't work out (yeah..a fight sprang out of that one.) So, seriously, it was all I could talk about at work. Finally,at 9:30, my boss-fed up with my going ons about Brothers pizza-tells me that since it closes at 10, I can have it delivered there and take it home with me. I'm psyched. So, I call and ask how late they are open and the lady says "11." 11! Yes! I'm SO stoked now b/c I can just order it when I get home and I won't have to borrow money from Marcus!(another thing keeping me from my craving). So, I walk in the door at 10:03 and at 10:06, I have already called information and am on the ringing end of the telephone. They answer and I say "Hi! Do you deliver to Northbury Colony?(My complex)" And the lady says "Sorry, we're closed." CLOSED?? WHAT?? WHAT???? I say "Oh! I thought you were open until 11". "Well, it was a slow night so we decided to close early." All my faith in humanity slided out of me into a puddle onto the floor. I had to settle for Pizza Hut! What? Pizza Hut? I didn't want Pizza Hut! I only ate one piece of pizza as opposed to my 4 pieces and moped about it for the rest of the evening.

The End.