April 14, 2006 � I am a butterfly...and I want more pepsi!!
I really need to work on my hygene.

I take baths ALL the time. Sometimes two a day. But,I never wash my hair. Sometimes I'll go 5 days without washing it. It's because I hate blowdrying it and styling it. It's such a pain. AND I don't like showers and washing your hair in a bath is a pain too. Right now it doesn't look THAT bad, but I do need to wash it.

My hair looks bad in general. I need to get it done. I'm trying to grow it out a little bit. The short hair thing is getting old, especially when I want to put it up in a pony tail. Ug. I just feel really unattractive lately. It's probably the pregnancy thing. But nothing works for me right now. My hair, my make up, my clothes. They are just all wrong. Thats why I can't wait to be all big and pregnant so I don't have to be in this "in between" stage. I can be in the "look how cute and pregnant I am!" stage. I'm starting to show, but right now it just looks like I've been on a beer and pizza kit, so it makes me a little self concious(?)...conscience(?)...conscious(?)

I wrote a really great letter to my Dad and I think things are going to be ok. Well, he hasn't read it yet, so I don't know. But, its really good and really nice so I don't see why he would have any disputes.
PLUS he makes this special Easter breakfast dish that he won't make on any other holiday and its so killer and I'm craving it like its my job.

Ok. Thats it for today. I have to go fish around for a pair of pants that I can button.