April 21, 2006 � I like orange French dressing better than red
I need to update my diary more often. I know. I KNOW! You don't have to ride me about it!

Ok so whats new...lets see..hmmm...

Alright so me and my Dad are fixed now. He called me last Saturday and we talked like nothing ever happened (He read my letter and thats his way of acknowledging that he was wrong) and he invited me over for lunch. I went and Joy was there and I found out that once I gave her a real chance, she's not that bad. Despite her flaws, she's really good at taking care of my Dad. She's a lot more assertive than my Mom was, so she doesn't take any of his shit so easily and she's not scared to call him out on some things. Plus she makes him really happy, so who am I to stand in the way of that?

He's still my Dad. He still calls me when he's grocery shopping and doesn't pay attention to what I'm saying b/c he's talking to himself about food. "So, Dad..Marci--" "Wow. Would you look at the size of this potato." He still tells me he'll be here in two minutes and that means twenty. And he still is one of the most forgetful people I know. But I love him. Even with his senior-inflicted quirkiness and his life-long traits, I still love him.

My Easter was...interesting. We went to church for a total of 30 minutes. Marci was a little rascal so we had to haul butt out of there. Especially when she saw the stone fountain and started saying "rock" during prayer, but..however...it sounds nothing like "rock". Instead, it sounds exactly, and I mean exactly, like....well...."fuck." Yeah. I'll say it. My daughter says "fuck" clear as day. We're trying to teach her to call them "stones" instead of "fucks".

After that, we headed to my sister's for some delicious Easter breakfast.We were whipped after that and came home for a much needed nap. After that, is when the trouble started.

Ok so, I knew we'd be alone for Easter dinner for a couple of weeks so I planned a very special dinner, cooked by yours-truly, for me, Jamie and Marci. Lamb with mint cherry glaze, rosemary potatoes, and artichokes. I'd been excited about it for a while, seeing how I never have an occasion to make such a fancy feast. So, we get up from out nap, and Jamie's brother calls. The original plan was to go over there for dessert or after (they're a late crowd). When I woke up, I came to the internet to copy down the recipe (our printer is tricky) and was about to go make dinner when Jamie goes: "Katie, when are we going to my brother's?" And I say "I'm not sure. We're going over after dinner, though." and he says "Well, when will that be?" And I say "I don't know" and he says "Well, how long will it take to make" and, yet again, I say "I don't know." And he gets SOO angry at me! To make a long story short, he grabbed Marci and stormed out of the house to go to his brother's without me. I said "How long will you be gone?" And he said "I don't have an estimate."

So, I start bawling my eyes out. I had mascara in my cleavage, I was crying so hard. I started making my special dinner....for myself. I called all my sister's and even my Dad for sympathy.

To sum it up, Jamie came home 15 minutes after I put dinner on the table. He should thank his lucky stars that he didn't miss dinner, or else there'd be hell to pay.

And that was my Easter.

Other than that, my life has been moving pretty slow. It's hard being home alone this much. I just got done eating a great fresh salad and a chicken pot pie for dinner. We got food stamps (finally forgot our pride) and went and stocked up on groceries. Did you know that you can buy crab legs with food stamps? You can and we did. Crab legs on the government. It's better than cheese.

I've been pretty low about school lately. It's depressing knowing all of my friends are graduating and moving on and I still have 2 1/2-3 years left. It feels like I'm getting nowhere. It especially feels like that this semester. I've really been trying my best, but I'm not doing that well. Do you know how frustrating that is? I almost cried in my last class yesterday. I feel so fed up with it. So done.

So I was thinking of alternatives to jobs that require a degree, but nothing sparked my interest.

Until yesterday at the park.

I saw this family walking this adorable little puppy. And seeing how puppies are probably my favorite thing ever, I started aching for this puppy. "Jamie I need a puppy! Lets get a puppy! I want that puppy!" I sounded like I was 5. And then he gave me a reality check: "We HAD a puppy, remember? It's not all its cracked up to be. You just want the puppy--you don't want the full time responsibility". And then it hit me! He's right! So, how do I incorporate my love of dogs into a career? How about opening up my own doggie day-care and obedience school!

After that, my brain-storming went wild. I even went online and did research and found the top dog training school in the country. I filled out a form, and they called me with information today and it sounded absolutly perfect for me. It would only take a year to complete (and you can do all of it at home--before your hands-on training and apprenticeship), and when I graduate, I would be worth 80-90$ an hour! That sounded really high, so I did some snooping on that, and its legit. I remember when we wanted to get Moses lessons, it cost 120$ for an hour long class.

And the coolest part, is if you want to open up your own business like I do, the school helps you do that. It even offers its graduates free online advertising on its website!

So, I'm not talking about quitting school. That would be stupid considering I already put so much time into it. But, this really sounds like something I would be good at and something I would enjoy doing. Face it, Jamie is going to be the main bread-winner of the household, so why not do something that I love instead of something that grosses the largest amount of dough?

What do you think? Give me your imput.

Alright. Marci fell asleep in her highchair with a fish stick in her hand, so I better take care of that. I'll post pictures of it later.
But, before I go, Lerin posted about all the places she wants to go in Italy, and I wanted to share some pictures of myfavorite place in Italy: Bellos Guardo...my family's hometown, and cutest little village in Italy. You should definatly make a stop if you're ever around Naples!