May 30, 2006 � The inevitable I guess
So, did you know that once you get married and have a child that you automatically become easily forgetable?

People actually forget who you are.

"Whats her name? Kaitlyn? Kathy? No..No..thats not it..."

Your once vibrant persona becomes invisable even to the people that used to appreciate it the most.

If you get married and have a child, you are no longer fun and you no longer want to have fun. At least thats what people think. People think you just want to be stuck inside your tiny white-picket-fenced-housewife life with your husband and your baby and there is no chance that you would want to be pulled away from that. So, why bother even trying, right?

People think that those with husbands and children become members of an exclusive club that only includes people with husbands and children and part of the initiation is you have to sacrifice your old friends or your old life and ONLY hang out with others of your same species--b/c thats what you are now...a different species.

At least thats one of the excuses they give for your invisability.

No. Don't call whats-her-name. She is probably up to her elbows in dishes and diapers and is loving every minute of it and wouldn't DREAM of wanting to be taken away from that.