June 23, 2006 � Rawr!
No one wants to comment on my entries anymore!

Does my baby being a miracle mean ANYTHING to you??


I really really should be cleaning right now. I even bought a new trash can today to help me with the cleaning spirit! However, when your adorable two year old daughter falls asleep on your lap, it sort of strangles the life out of any cleaning spirit that you may have. But playgroup is coming here tomorrow so I HAVE to clean. This is my last thing to do..I swear.

I went to Damons for the first time yesterday. Jill, my old boss, called me in the morning and we talked for like 45 minutes today. It was really nice and it made me feel better about a lot of things. Going in there felt both alien and home at the same time. Nothing had really changed. They moved the trash can, but thats about it. But now, I can't go in the back and get a drink or see the cooks. I have to sit at a table if I want to order food. It felt like being a guest in your own home. Plus, I looked like shit. I should have picked a better day to go in there. I will.

Last but not least, I would like to tell the story of how I bit my child.

Bit my child, you say? Yes. Bit my child. On accident I SWEAR. You hear of mother's accidently dropping their children or knocking their heads on the car door, but never biting them. Well, it happened.

We were in the grocery store and Marci was happily eating her chocolate chip cookie--that is until Mommysaurus Rex came along!

I said "Can Mommy have a bite?" And she ever so graciously handed me up her cookie with a big smile and I took a bit bite--OUT OF HER FINGER! I bit down as hard as I could! I made her bleed! She screamed her GUTS out! I picked her up, almost in tears myself, and kept saying "I'm sorry baby! I'm sorry baby!" She was freaking out! I would be too! And Jamie kept asking me "what happened??" But I couldn't tell him until there weren't any people around! I felt SOOOO incredibly horrible! Marci got over it--but I didn't. I still feel really bad.

ok, well, Marci isn't letting me get anything done. She's not feeling too hot today. She had a bad case of "can't get my stinkums out" yesterday. It was really terrible. She was screaming and screaming and shaking and sweating. A lot of S verbs she was doing. So, she's still feeling a little sick from that.