June 25, 2006 � Slowly regaining some life
I had the worst night of my LIFE last night.

I can't remember ever feeling sicker. I was so sick that I couldn't talk or get up or even move my head. It reminded me of how weak my mom was her last week or so.

It started out as the stomach flu. I started feeling really nauseous at 4:30 and dizzy. It was worse than my morning sickness. So, I called Anna and she came and took Marci to the park. I tried to sleep, but I ended up throwing up 4 times. And then I thought it was gone b/c I was feeling better. But it WAS NOT.

To make a long story short, it sent me into excruiating contractions every ten minutes or so. I was SO terrified b/c my sister Tami had the stomach flu really bad when she was 7 months and it send her into early labor and she had to go to the hospital for them to stop it. It made me rethink my decision to go natural again. I could handle the nausea and the weakness. But the pain was so severe that I decided it would warrant a divorce if Jamie didn't find a way to stop it.

I finally fell asleep at 1 or so, and today I just feel really weak and woozy. But nothing like last night at all. I am having stomach pains but no nausea. I'm actually starving. I'm craving McDonalds like its my job.

I'm just debating whether or not to go to my Dad's tonight. My sister Tami came home today (well...she should be here in a 15 minutes or so) and I don't want to be alone here with Marci. Funny how I never knew how much guilt came from being a parent. I feel like I just got hit by a train, but yet I feel guilty for not playing with Marci. So I sort of want her to play with the kids. And I do want to see Tami...and eat. Thats a big priority. But I just feel so weak and noodle-y. I guess I'll go and if I feel too bad, I'll come home.

Thats it. Very interesting, eh?