August 07, 2006 � I Heart Marci

Has anyone seen a little girl cuter than this?? Because I doubt that one exists!

How can I POSSIBLY have another little girl like this?? With the same humor, personality, sweetness, kindness, and big brown eyes. Can it actually be duplicated? Can I love this new little princess as much as my first princess? It's hard to believe!

WOW I love her so much! Did my mom love me this much? I think she did. I was her favorite, after all.

Marci's new thing is to bring me a piece of paper and a marker and tell me what to draw. This is all fine and dandy, but what can't she ever want me to draw something normal like a cat or a dog? I swear I've drawn like 20 elephants today.

Also, this little baby bruised my rib! OMG it hurts so bad. I can barely touch it, and when I need to bend over it is SO sore..not to mention when she kicks it OVER and OVER again! So...thats what I'm going through today.

I finally found a playgroup in my area and I'm going to the first meet tomorrow at McDonalds. I'm a little nervous b/c I've never met ANYONE before. I found it via a local bulletin board on, and they have their own website at as well. So, hopefully it goes well and Marci makes some friends. It breaks my heart that she doesn't have anyone to play with. We took her to a playground yesterday and as soon as she saw this little girl by the slide, her whole face lit up. She LOVES kids. It's something I feel bad about everyday.

Well, sitting here is making me sore and I've come to the realization that everything I've talked about in this entry is kid related. Oh no! I've become one of "those" moms! Ack!