October 06, 2006 � HUGE RANT
DISCLAIMER: I am EXTREMELY irritated and the following entry might contain quite a number of F bombs, considering I only really use them when I am pissed off.

I really fucking hate how fucking unreliable people are.

Don't fucking tell me you are going to do something and then either don't fucking do it or don't fucking call to TELL me you're not going to fucking do it.

Thursday it was a certain someoen that said they would come over and help me around the house, but instead, came over and sat on HIS/her ass all day and did shit. So thats one day with nothing done.

And then yesterday, my fucking neice Anna tells me she's going to come over and help me around the house and she never shows up or fucking calls me! SO, I called and left her a nasty voicemail.

AND THEN when I had to go to the hospital last night, NO ONE WAS ANSWERING THEIR FUCKING PHONE!!! "Oh I'll have my phone right on me so if you call..." NO! NO ONE! I had to wait for an hour and a half until Jamie got home while I am feeling like I am dying and leaking fluid all over the place! WHAT THE FUCK PEOPLE!

AND TODAY, my sister Maria was supposed to bring over my dresser from my Dad's house so I could use Jamie and my dresser for the girls, and its 2 and she has to work at three and I've been calling her for TWO FUCKING HOURS and she's not answering!!!! This pisses me off the most b/c there is 100 things I can't do until I have this dresser. I have all my laundry folded but I'm not going to put it away when I'm just switching dressers anyway. I have ALL my baby clothes ready to be put away but nothing to put them in! I can't clean my bedroom b/c until all the folded clothes are out of the way!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And what makes it worse, is now, after last night, I am even MORE restricted than I was before. I'm pretty much not aloud to do ANYTHING I can't sit down and do. No bending, no lifting, not much standing, no walking, no scrubbing, no vaccumming. SO, I need even MORE help but no one is fucking there to give it to me! My head is literally spinning I'm so fucking pissed off at everyone right now.

Ok. Thats enough.

Total F Bomb Count: 13