October 29, 2006 � MY DUE DATE!!
First off, I want to start out and say that I copied Lerin and started a diary just for my little girls. http://twoflowers.diaryland.com/ Check it out! When I can finally get my membership back, I'll put pictures and make it really fancy schmancy.

It is 12:09 am. It is officially my due date. I know all of you are probably thinking that when I don't update for a couple days that I've had the baby. Well, that isn't the case. At all. IN FACT, I am going to be pregnant forever. FYI.

So, here is the latest drama in my life. Yesterday, I had to call the doctor's office and schedule my weekly appt with my midwife, K (who I am sure you know I absolutly love). Ok this is how it went:

Me: "Hi! This is Katie Cutshaw. I'm just calling to make my appt with K for next week."

Nurse: "Oh. K is no longer with us."

Me: (slightly confused and looking around the room awkwardly)"Um..ok. Do you know where I can reach her? I'm due in two days."

Nurse: "No I don't. We're turning over all her patients to the doctor now."

Me: (VERY confused and slightly freaking out) "Uh..alright. Well, she knows everything about me. Do you know where she is working now?"

Nurse: "I don't think she's even working anymore."

Me: (VERY confused and VERY freaking out) "Is she alright?"

Nurse: "Yes she's fine. Something happened that couldn't be prevented. Would you like me to make you an appointment with the doctor? I could get you in Monday at 10am."

Me: (Very defeated) "Yeah. Thats fine"

So, at this point, I am hysterical. Tears are POURING down my face and I have no idea what to do. I LOVE my midwife. I was so excited and confident about my labor and birth with her and I trusted her 100%. I knew that if she wanted to do something, she'd only do it if it was absolutly nessecary (i.e pitocin, c-section, ect). And, I have a very strong philosophy about labor and birth and I want what I want and she had the same ideals as I did. She knew EVERYTHING and knew ME as well. I've only met this doctor one time and I didn't like him! He was very cold and unfriendly and I left his office feeling like an idiot. So, after gathering a lot of guts, I call K at home and leave a message with her daughter. No call back. I have given up.

Until this morning.

She called me TWICE between the hours of 10 and 11. I called her back when we finally woke up at almost 11:30 (I am in for a rude awakening when this baby comes, aren't I??) and we talked for a half hour. I'm not going to go into detail on the internet about what happened, but I will say that this doctor does not sound like a very good person, and I don't want someone who has treated K like this to deliver my baby. However, she did say that he IS a good doctor, if I have to have him.

So now I'm on the hunt for a new doctor. From a medical standpoint, I've heard good things about my current doctor if I go into labor before I can find a new one, but I was "nudged" by her to another doctor, who I have also heard excellent things about from both a medical AND personal point of view. The only problem is, he's my friend from highschool's brother! I feel a little awkward about him seeing my world down there, especially since I haven't seen her or her family for quite sometime. Thats a really great way to get reaquainted! I put in a call to his office today (which they won't get until Monday), but I'm not even sure if they'll take me this late in my pregnancy. So, I think what I am going to do is go to my appt on Monday and if the doctor does or says something that makes me uncomfortable, I'll try and go to this other guy.

I was freaking out pretty extremely yesterday. It almost felt like someone broke up with me, I was so devastated! I thought of K as both a midwife and a friend and she treated me with nothing but care and concern. She always made me feel like her only patient.

Today, however, I am a lot more calm. Jamie said to me "It doesn't matter who performs the delivery, it all comes down to the same end result--our baby." So, I'm feeling a little more comfortable with that way of looking at it. I'm putting all my trust in God with this since I can't put it in K anymore.

Besides that, life has been pretty much calm waters. Nothing going on. Just trying to get things ready for this baby. Geeze I wonder when she's going to get here! I hope she comes soon because my brother is coming home on Thursday (my Dad's.."ceremony" is on Saturday) and I want him to see her (he's her Godfather!) and I want to be able to spend some time with him as well.

Alright well, my boobs are resting really heavily on my ribs right now and making me uncomfortable. Time to skidattle!