October 30, 2006 � Oct 30th and still pregnant
It has become my mission in life to seek and kill every gnat I ever encounter. We've managed to get rid of most of them from our house, but the ones that linger around just make me so angry that I want to smash them into nothing but a stain on my wall!! They have no reason to live!! I will become the serial killer of gnats!

Bee Tee Double-U, I am not putting my daughters journal under my favorite diaries because I don't want my family to be able to be able to link back to this diary. THEN I'm either going to have to start censoring myself, or worse, lock up. And I don't want to do that. At least not yet. I like the idea of being able to be found by some random diary-lander and impressing them enoug that they want to come back for more. So, basically, I'd rather be judged by a stranger than my family.

(HA! I just killed my first gnat since declaring my undying revenge against them!)

ALSO, as you may have noticed, I am still pregnant. I am officially "late". Granted, I've felt late for about a month, but not its official. And also, the doctor I wanted to change to wouldn't take me. It was funny. The nurse called me this morning and filled out all my information and then she asks "And when are you due?" and I say "Um..yesterday?" "YESTERDAY?...ok...hold on." And then another nurse gets on the phone and tells me that they can't take me under their care this late. So, I had my appointment with my default doctor, and it went better than I had hoped. He wasn't cold, but he was really quiet. I just need to accept the fact that I'm not going to have the birth I dreamed of without my midwife, and I need to move on and make what I have work. No more obsessing. He checked me today and I haven't really changed at all and her head is still up high but he said that doesn't mean I'm not ready. He said women on their second child usually don't have the head move down until they are actually in labor, so its not an indictation that I'm going to go a whole lot longer. I am a ripe berry. But, he still made me make an appointment for next week, although I think thats just protocol. He said "If you don't go by next week, we'll talk about our options." ACK don't even say "don't go by next week" b/c that is just WAY too long!

Last night, however, I had the most contractions I've ever had. They were painful and umcomfortable and they even kept me up all night. But, when I woke up, they had dwindled off. I was surprised this morning that I didn't have to go to the hospital in the middle of the night. We started timing them and they would last a minute and be about every 8-10 minutes. Maybe I'm in labor NOW and don't even know it?? I want a Halloween baby! Plus, I want my brother to see her. Everyone cross your fingers!

If I get a chance to, I'll put some pictures up in my webshots album and link it to here of Marci trick or treating tomorrow. She's going to look hilarious. She's going to be a flamingo. This is my last year that I can dress her up as ridiculas as possible without her caring.

Alright I'm going to go try and take a nap with her.