November 06, 2006 � -
Wow. I am SO irritable. I don't think its because I am 8 days late, because right now, with the mood I'm in, I wouldn't want to take care of a newborn.

I think it might have to do with me feeling very fluish and Marci catching ANOTHER cold (this time from my sister's kids...) and being on the brink of having a new baby. I don't want us to be sick with a new baby. I can't even imagine how much that would suck on all kinds of levels.

AND because its like pulling teeth to get Jamie to do anything specific. Yeah, he picks up the house and everything, but I need him to do things that I CAN'T do. Like building things. We've had our Amby Baby Hammock for 6 weeks and it is still sitting in the corner of our dining room, and our new pack-n-play is half built in our living room. And yesterday, Jasmine OFFERED to watch Marci so Jamie and I could go to the 7:50 of Borat and he said no. So I said "well ok, then lets get all our baby stuff set up tonight." And that didn't happen either. We've been big fans of Sasha Baron Cohen for a long time...before anyone really knew who he was...and when I heard about this Borat movie, I was stoked until I heard it came out 5 days after my due date so I didn't think I'd get to see it. For God's sake, I'm a ticking time bomb! You have to live for the moment! A perfect opprutunity for us to see ONE last movie in the theaters together for a while and he bitches and moans until I accept his "no" answer. He pisses me off.

So, I might just distance myself from all society today so not to offend anyone with my bitchy, irritable attitude because I can see me snapping on someone at the drop of a hat. Like right now, its 12:18 and my sister was supposed to be here at noon. I'm trying not to get upset at this. I'll just not let her KNOW I am upset. Oh well.