November 07, 2006 � Thursday Thursday Thursday
Tomorrow is my 23rd birthday!! 23 is almost 25 and 25 is almost 30!! I can't believe I'm almost 30!!!

This baby ruined my birthday plans of going to Cleveland and eating sushi at Sushi Rock and drinking margaritas. I don't think I'm going to be doing much of anything. First birthday in my life that I'm not celebrating.

BUT, its ok because I scheduled to have my water broken on Thursday morning, so tomorrow is my last day of it just being me and Marci, so I want to make it special.

Now that I know I have an "end" date and its only two days away, I'm getting sad. Don't get me wrong, I want this baby in my arms terribly, but thinking about sharing myself with another baby and it not being just me and Marci is a little upsetting. When I think about getting Marci dressed and putting on her shoes and coat and dropping her off at the sitters on Thursday, I start to cry. To know that I'm not going to see her again until I have the baby is a little hard to deal with. But, I have to keep reminding myself that this is a GOOD thing for her. I am giving her a best friend! We'll both need to do some adjusting.

I still hope I go into labor on my own, though. I want to labor at home with my husband for as long as I can before I go to the hospital and that won't happen if they break my water. So still keep praying!

Do you know whats fun? Seeing your ex boyfriend at the movies when you're 9 1/2 months pregnant and having him look really fantastic and you looking like a huge blueberry. Oh well. It was still nice seeing him.

Do you want to know what ELSE is fun? Feeling really really sick when you could give birth at any minute? I am SO flu-y! And now, so is Jamie! I have to beat this. Marci's cold is subsiding, so thats good, but I woke up last night feeling like shit. I'm really worried! I don't want to feel like this when I'm in labor and I don't want Jamie to either. Any ideas on how to heal the flu FAST??

Ok thats enough. I've been avoiding cleaning the kitchen long enough.