November 12, 2006 � Scarlett Rose
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by katieb8311

SHE'S HERE!!! You'll have to excuse any typos...i'm typing with one hand.

Scarlett Rose was born at 2:49am on Nov 10th and she was 8lbs 14oz and 21 inches long.

Everything went so well I can't even express how happy I am. I went in at 12:30pm for my induction, but after all the nessecary procedures, they didn't even start my pit until 3pm. By 5, I was having uncomfortable contractions and by 5:20, I was crying in pain, so Jamie called my sister to tell her to come. But, by 5:40, they tapered off. The nurses came in and upped my pitocin (very small doses), and my contractions got gradually stronger instead of with Marci, where they pumped me full of pitocin and I was blasted with hellish contractions right away. By 9:30, I couldn't talk through my contractions and by 10:30, I was crying again and saying I couldn't do it. They checked me at 10:30 and I was 5 (I went up two centimeters in 2 hours!) and they gave me some wonderful nubane through my IV. It doesn't take the pain away, but it relaxes you so that I could relax through the contractions and THAT helped the pain. I absolutly loved it! The doctor came in at almost midnight and I was 7 and he broke my water. After that, things sky-rocketed, and she was born in a little over two hours.

Granted, it still hurt like nothing else has ever hurt like it did with Marci, but I handled it SO much better and thats why I feel so good. With Marci, when they put her on my chest, I don't even remember it. I was so whipped and relieved that it was over, that I can't document how I felt. But with Scarlett, when I pushed her out and they put her on my stomach and I touched her wet, slippery skin, it was pure elation running through my veins. I kept saying "You're here! My baby girl is here!" And I can remember every second and every emotion of it. I never got to the point during this labor where I couldn't laugh or joke or smile, no matter how much pain I was in.

AND how about my almost 9lb baby?!?! That came out of ME! all the nurses were SO surprised! no wonder i was so big!

well, i have a lot more to say but i will have to later. so, check back later today!