March 30, 2007 � Sunny with a High of 75
I will try to write an entry while Scarlett is happy in her excersaucer. It may end abruptly as her happiness in the excersaucer tends to end abruptly.

I just gave her a banana in a netted fruit holder so that might keep her busy too.

Listen to me! My BABY is playing in he excersaucer and eating bananas! My BABY! It seems like she was just a newborn...tucked into my arms as I typed my diary entries. Time flies even faster when you have children. My first born is about to be 3 years old in a little over a month.

Weds, my sister came over and watched the kids for a whopping four hours while I cleaned my house top to bottom (well, everything besides "the doom room" aka..our bedroom. thats a day on its own) and I switched the girls clothes with the ones in the basement. As I packed the Squishy's clothes away...looking at these newborn onesies...I just laughed at thinking about her wearing them because she's so big now! And when I went into the basement to get out the 6-9 months batch of clothes, I remember having a belly full of baby and carefully packing away these clothes, thinking how far away it seemed for her to fit into such big clothes.


I've been having a pretty good couple of days. As I mentioned before, I got my whole house clean and organized on Weds. I felt SO good after that. I even feel good now, even though my living room is littered with toys and shoes (Marci is on a big "wearing our shoes" kick). Its amazing what a clean house can do for my spirit. Then, Jamie and I went shopping for stuff we always know we need to buy but never do. Batteries, rubbermaid bins, childproof locks, ect ect. I don't know if I've said this before but, if Target was a guy, I'd totally cheat on Jamie with him. In addition to the stuff on our list, we also got the girls' easter outfits on sale! Squish's dress was 10$ and Marci's outfit was 10$!! Jamie had a banquet yesterday so Weds, we went to Forever 21 searching for a dress I could wear. After trying on three, I decided to just go with one of my old dresses at home. But, as I was in the dressing room putting my clothes back on, Jamie came up and was like "look what I found!" and had this perfect red dress in his hand. It ended up looking amazing and we got it, but what I loved so much was that HE picked it out for me when I was ready to forget the idea of getting a new dress. He didn't even want to buy one in the first place! I thought it was so sweet.

Thursday was the banquet. Jamie got into a very prestigous honor society (Phi Kappa Phi) and there was an initiation ceremony and banquet to go too. So, we dropped off the girls with a sitter and went and even though it was kinda boring, Jamie and I never get any alone time together so we had a great night! I think we were definately tagged as the couple groping eachother throughout the whole ceremony, but I don't care. Also, I always do the pre-emptive clap. There must have been three instances where it was silent and all of a sudden, you hear the lone clapper. That was me all three times. After the banquet, we got the baby and went to Olive Garden for a much needed drink. All that academia makes you crave a shot.

Alright well, the baby is trying to CLIMB OUT, so I better go before she falls.