May 01, 2007 � FINALLY time to write an entry
Ok so I've been a bad diary-lander! I have gone too many spans of 8+ days without updating.

But listen! It is so hard for me to get the concentration and TIME needed for me to write an entry. I can't tell you how many entries I have attempted to write that end up sitting on the bottom of my computer screen unfinished until I turn the computer off. TOO MANY.

Especially lately because the Squish is no longer immobile. She's almost crawling so if I put her on the ground, she tries to get around. And then she'll end up getting stuck in a corner or something. AND I can't even put her in her chair while I write because she climbs out! And don't say to strap her in because when I do that, she gets SO angry with me because she CAN'T crawl out! Its not exactly the best atmosphere to write about your day and your deepest thoughts and fears when there is a 5 1/2 month old infant in the background yelling at you for restraining her.

Its just been really crazy here. Between Squish's inability to go more than 10 minutes without me entertaining or holding her and Marci's skills in trashing my house, its just never ends. The whole thing with Marci is really frustrating me. It would be one thing if the messes were accidents. Like she was eating and spilled her drink. But they aren't. She is deliberately messy. She is by far the messiest kid I've ever met, and I'm not the only one who says that. She dumps, she rips things about, she wrecks things, ect ect. I don't think I've gone one day without some huge mess to clean up that shouldn't have existed in the first place. Its only 10am and she already got into my closet and tore everything out of the bottom of it so now there are clothes and bags and shit all over the room. Its so hard to keep up the house with how she is. I've started punishing her for it, but it doesn't seem to be working. She's so destructive and I'm so sick of it. My life is so much harder due to all this nonsense.

Since I haven't updated in 10 days and all kinds of craziness has occured, I am just going to list it in bullet points or else this would be the longest entry ever.

*Jamie's mom, Sharon, finally lost her marbles and was put in the Psych ward and then moved to a nursing home. She was diagnosed with dementia, but honestly, I don't think she belongs there quite yet. It was actually pretty depressing seeing her in there because she is by far the most normal, functioning patient. She is on medication and it seems to be helping but now, being in this place is just making her go into a deep depression. The family is looking into assisted living but its really expensive. UG I want to cry thinking about her in there!!

*Damons, the place I worked for 3 1/2 years and the place that I absolutely loved, shut down a week ago. They went bankrupt. It was all very sad. We got a few people together on Saturday and went out and I had SO much fun. I had to leave early (rah!) because there were issues with Jamie's mom, but I still got a good chunk of time with my old friends. And also, Meghan is going to have a big Damon's bash on the 12th so I'll have more time then.

*Marci is going to be 3 in just 25 days!! Can you believe it?? My baby is going to be three years old. That is SO crazy to me! She was just born two days ago! Her party is going to have a "fruit" theme and I'm making her a Carmen Miranda hat and everything! We're having a "make your own smoothie" station and other fruit-themed activities. This is Marci's first party where she is a real kid and can do fun kid birthday party things so I'm really excited.

*The day after her party is Squishy's baptism and I'm syked about that too but its going to be pretty busy trying to plan all these things! I need to find a venue to host the "after baptism" party.

*Things with me and Jamie are a lot better. I'm just relaxing about it and trying not to worry anymore (P.S-Someone is washing my door and I can hear them! WEIRD!) and it seems to be working. Plus, he's really stressed. Most of his time is spent at work or school or handling his mom and when he's not doing those things, he's trying to do schoolwork because this semester is his hardest ever. So I'm trying to cut him some slack.

Well, my dishwasher has been broken for a good 5 days now so I am the designated dishwasher and there is a sink full of dishes waiting for me.