October 03, 2007 � The exciting life of a stay at home mom
I hate how sporatic my entries are. It is so hard to find the time to have uninteruptted thoughts long enough to jot them down here in this little diary. But, both girls are quietly playing in their room so I have some peace.

The air is still perfumed by Jamie's cologne. It wofted off of him as he walked out the door and to school. This smell always comforts me when he is away. I find myself smelling his shirts and smiling throughout the day. Things between us have been good. However, I hate that being busy and stressed causes him to disconnect from me. It makes me very insecure. I need to start writing down the good times to look back on when I am feeling unloved. I need to always remember that he still loves me, he is just stressed out. I figured out that this was the root of our problems during his two week vacation between summer and fall semester. He was like a different person! So loving, so attentive. Today is another example. All he has is school until 3 and then he is off so we had a good morning. I really do live to make him happy.

So, I had my first craft show on Sunday. My friend Cherish was kind enough to introduce me to the "craft show scene" and let me share her table. I have gotten so many raves about my tie dye baby clothes from my playgroup and family so I thought I'd be more successful than I was. Actually, I wasn't successful at all! I didn't sell one thing! But, in my defense, it was mostly like 70-80 year old little ladies! I don't think they had much use for baby clothes. I have two or three more lined up AND I am having a party for my playgroup (sort of like Avon but with tie dye baby clothes!) so I am hoping to sell at those. I am also going to call local boutiques and see if they take local artists' designs. Even with the lack of selling, I still had a good day. I had 8 solid hours of childless time to just relax, chat, and enjoy the craft show! That, to me, was worth it!

The girls have been good. Squishy is SUCH a handful! She'll be 11 months old on the 10th. I wish I could find more time to document these precious days in my baby diary, but its hard enough to keep up with this one! I know I will regret it, though, so I really should make time. My baby girl really is gifted. She amazes me with the things she does! I can't believe she has been walking for almost THREE months now! How time flies when you have children. Marci is almost 3 1/2 and it seems like just yesterday we were planning her first birthday party. Now, the baby that I was walking around the mall, eating spicy food, and drinking herbal tea to try and bring into the world is almost ONE! This baby that I grew to be SO impatient to see is now throwing tantrums in stores,wiping her own face, drawing with crayons, and trying (emphasis on TRYING) to eat with a spoon.

About the tantrums though...seriously...its ridiculas. She has SUCH an attitude! I went shopping with my neice yesterday and I could BARELY hold her she was fighting me so bad! She does this ear piercing shriek when she wants something or is mad and it is getting SO irritating! She tries with all her might to wriggle out of my arms. Whenever we go somewhere with her, I always some back exhausted from trying to handle her. For someone with such an angelic face, it doesn't always carry over to her disposition!

Well, the peace is gone. Time to get back to reality.

P.S--WE got a new kitten! he's small and fluffy and his name is Sirius Black