April 15, 2008 � Sloowwwwwww
Today is truly one of those days where my eyes look around my house at the mess of toys, the empty basket with shoes strewn across the floor, water bottle cluttered surfaces, a sink full of dishes and a can full of garbage, a bathroom in desprete need of cleaning and laundry in desprete need of being put away, and my mind says "ok go take care of this" but my body says "shut the hell up."


I am SO tired. I actually fell asleep on the couch by mistake as my kids ran mucks around the apartment. Fifteen minutes later, I wake up to spilled coco puffs on the floor and new wall art courtesy of Marci Van Gogh. I was really out to miss that! I wonder if there will ever be a time in my life where I am a self motivated and organized person. God knows I try different approaches to become one. "Flylady.com", "Sidetracked Home Executives", charts, timers, ect ect. But then these days come...or these weeks come...and it all shuts down and I end up picking up the clutter but not getting to the mess. I really strive to be one of those moms who always has it together...or mostly.

I guess I shouldn't beat myself up about it. Just keep on trying.

Its not like we did NOTHING today. Marci went to school, then my friend Melanie, her son Ethan and her new baby Grayson came over for me to swoon on his newbornness. We took the kids to the park across the street so the girls had some fun outside on this beautiful, sunny, 60 degree Ohio day. Marci threw a huge fit, however, when she saw Ethan pee on a tree and I wouldn't let her do it too. It took several threats of the naughty spot to get her to pull up her pants and I didn't know how to explain to her why she can't do that! That combined with the three fights over her "pet rock" she made in class today made for a good old advil-needed afternoon.

Well, I think I have the antidote for this debilitating lazy disease; Dandy Warhols, April Smith, All American Rejects, and open windows.