June 14, 2004 � Gripe
I took my daughter to her second trip to Victoria Secrets in her tiny little life.

I don't know what that says about me as a mother.

But as a SHOPPER, its says I'm FABULOUS!

I got some "sex me up" bras and underwear.

Something to take attention away from the spit up and breast milk stains on the rest of me.

Everyone needs that, I say.

Right now, I am sitting in my chair, dripping with hair dye. Emily and Carla are fixing me up. Well, they ran to Sheetz real quick so....actually, I'm just sitting here. But its nice to have a new image to look forward to. And 45 baby-free minutes because of the dye fumes.

It's forcing Jamie to hold her for more then 10 minutes without saying something that rushes me to stop what I'm doing and take her. I get mad at him everyday. And I know, a lot of the time, its not his fault. I don't know why I make so much of little things, but I can't help it right now. It's prolly just horomones, but still. Like, right now I'm mad b/c he was all cold to me when he came home from work. And now he's annoying me b/c he's trying to be all friendly again. And then sometimes I'll just snap at him with sarcastic mean comments. I never intended to be like that. It just slips out.

But, sometimes, I do have good reasons. For instance, him sitting up till 3 in the morning watching tv and drinking beer instead of being with me in bed. We never used to go to bed without eachother. And then, since he went to bed so late, he gets all pissy when I wake him up to help with the baby in the middle of the night. I'm sorry...just because I have the boobs doesn't mean I have to do everything.

Sometimes I feel like since I'm the mom, that means I have to have all the responsibility and Jamie isn't entitled to any of it. This is a big stresser. I hope he comes around.

On a happier note, I'm back to a size 3! Woot Woot!

P.S.-I heart Julzan and Stephzan