January 31, 2005 � Ramble Ramble Ramble
My hair is in a towel and Jamie is whining to me about all my stuff being scattered around the house. Well ScCcCcRRRrRrEeEeeEWwWwWwWW YyOoUu Jamie.

the Ba is "Ba"-ing over and over.

Tia's friend from South Africa is in the States again for a while. She is really sick with cancer but yet she still decided to come. I think that is good of her, but I hope she doesn't get sicker. Especially since genius Michael brought back the stomach flu from Tennessee.

I think TN is a funny state to spell.

I think Jamie is very nice and very neat and I think that he is the smartest person and is always right and has a wonderful penis.


I just thought I would ramble as much as I could until I got nagged.