December 04, 2006 � Ug Ug Ug can't the baby watch tv while I nap?
I have a breast infection.

I feel so sick and it hurts to even hold Scarlett up against my chest. My sister is coming to pick up Marci so I can rest, but Scarlett is sleeping NOW. And, as much as I know I should wake her, she looks really sweet and its giving me time to update this crazy thing.

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by katieb8311

There are some new pictures of my squishy and my Marciba. Scarlett has been pretty good. Although, my heart is breaking because I ate Taco Bell for the first time since she's been born and it made her really upset and she was up ALLLL night. If you know me, you'll know my devotion to Taco Bell and how I could eat it every day of my life. My sister Tami was like "You can eat it again when she's 6 months." SIX MONTHS?! SIX MONTHS WITHOUT A MEXICAN PIZZA OR A CHALUPA OR A CHEESY GORDITO CRUNCH?! WHAT!!?!?!?! We'll see how long that lasts.

I know that SOME of you hate me for being in my size threes already (cough LERIN cough), but its getting worse. Now, my size threes are getting to big and that isn't good. I was WAY too skinny before I had Scarlett. I've always been thin, but healthy looking. Size 3 healthy looking. But anything less then that and I look like a drug addict. In fact, people thought I WAS a drug addict before I got pregnant. I think my metabolism has speeded up or something because I am melting away. I feel like Scarlett is sucking the life out of me at every feeding. I need to get a better nutrition routine going.

Ok well its really freezing here in Ohio today and I need to change Marci into a sweater and wake up this Squish.