January 30, 2007 � Don't be a betch
I haven't written in a while because, well, just because! This is my diary! I don't have to give out excuses! I can do what I want! Betches.

I have been doing a really good job of following my new schedule. My house has been pretty clean for over a week. Well, except for right now b/c yesterday was my "off" day. But I think its weird b/c now that I am becoming a neater, more organized person, a mess that before I wouldn't have considered even a mess looks like the house is TRASHED now b/c my standards are higher! I don't know if that is good or bad.

Nothing else has been going on, really. I went to a playdate at the skate rink where I realized that I have so much respect for moms of more than one child who go out in public! Jamie was at school so it was me with both girls by myself for the first time out! Marci was a NIGHTmare! Kept running off, wouldn't listen to me, screaming. A couple times I literally had to drag her by the arm! Thank God my friend Kendra came without any kids because she watched Scarlett while I played and skated with Marci. I've realized that a little attention goes a long way with her. Her behaviour immediatly changed and she was so agreeable. She still ran away from me a couple times and I grabbed her and said "Marci! You have to stay by Mommy or someone will take you! Do you want someone to take you away from Mommy??" and she said "Ok!"

I've had such a wonderful couple days with Jamie, lately. He's just been really into me. I mean, he always is, but more so than usual. At least he's being more obvious about it. His birthday is on Sunday and we got Anna to come over and spend the night with the girls so we can go out and he seems SO excited for me to be able to go out with him and his friends. The other morning, he came into bed to wake me up and just laid with me and talked about what we would do and what we would wear, ect ect. He's been really stressed out with school, so he really needs this. He's taking 5 classes and one of the classes is a true nightmare. I stayed up with him until 2am last night while he wrote a paper and I rubbed his shoulders. I can't say I miss school that much anymore. At least I don't miss the homework part.

I got another writing assignment! I have to write about an up and coming musician for this Music Newspaper. I was thinking about writing about this guy, Cass Dillon, that Mer suggested and I really like his music. If only my client would respond to my messages and ok that, it would be great and I could actually get started! I got that job at that online magazine, but haven't heard from the guy since, so I
don't really have a lot of high hopes for that. It's been two weeks. Oh well. I have some other prospects too. This is going so well! I'm so excited!

Ok well, Scarlett has been really good watching tv while I write this and now I have to reward her with snuggles and kisses!! I'm so cheesy