February 05, 2007 � An F Bomb at the Bar
We went out for Jamie's birthday last night. Jamie and I have only been out together a handful of times, so it was a big deal that we had a sitter for both girls and we got to do this.

We met his friends from work at a local bar, O'Donalds. Everything was fine at first. I looked really adorable (sorry but I did!) and I had a nice little buzz going on and we were having fun.

So, Jamie, his friend Andy and I are standing at the bar, trying to decide what kind of shot to get. Thats when his friend Tiffany comes up with this tightened look on her face and stares at us.

She shakes her head and moves her eyes towards the table in the corner.

I look over, and see fucking Frank.


He showed up at Jamie's BIRTHDAY party! On purpose! He knew they were going there for his birthday! And what made things worse, is he was totally wasted. Sober Frank is reasonable, laid back, and understanding. DRUNK Frank is an alpha male. Trying to prove himself to everyone around him.

Well, you can definatly say I completly lost my buzz. I was shaking like a leaf and I felt like I was going to throw up. I was scared to leave Jamie's face, for fear that a fight would break out. We were all trying to talk him down. Finally, I convinced Jamie to go somewhere else, but it totally put a dent in the whole night.

Poor Jamie had to have my mistake ruin his birthday.