February 08, 2007 � Finally admitting fault
So, I haven't written a "real" entry in a while. Just the Frank entry. WHICH is still drama-rama right now.

But I actually feel bad for Frank, now that I know the whole situation. I guess he thought him and Jamie were cool now, so when he heard people were going out for Jamie's birthday, he thought "oh cool! I'll go out and celebrate Jamie's birthday with him!" And as soon as he walked into the door, all these Olive Garden people jumped all over him with "What the fuck are you doing here." "No one wants you here." "You better leave or we'll kick your ass." So no WONDER he was all irate! That night, Jamie kept saying "I don't know why he did this. I thought we were cool." And the truth is, he DIDN'T do it. People at Olive Garden told Jamie he went there on purpose to start shit with him, but in reality, it was the other way around. I really hate how they are making this situation worse and I'm really glad Jamie got to the bottom of it.

We had a long conversation about the whole situation between Frank and I the other night and it went really well. I told him that basically, it was all my fault. Frank didn't pursue me. I persued him.(you like how I tried two different spelling versions of 'pursue" b/c I don't know how to spell it?)

Thats another reason why I feel bad for Frank. He's getting all the shit and I really feel like I dragged him into it. When I think back on that time, I was SO messed up mentally and emotionally. After Greg. My brother just killed himself, and I was doing coke like it was my job. I don't even think I was the same person for a couple months. Frank was always the person to say "You're married!" when we'd go out and he thought I was fliring with someone. He was always the one saying "I'm weak Katie!"

I'm glad I admited that to Jamie. Now I feel guilty on TWO fronts. But, he forgives me and I feel a little bit better knowing that I accepted that responsibility.

In other news, I had my first interview for my first freelancing assignment on Monday! I interviewed a musician named Cass Dillon. He was just in Billboard magazine, so he's really "up and coming". And, can I just say how much in love with him I am?? He's in L.A right now so we had an online interview so I could have all his answers on paper.

At first, I was trying really hard not to say anything stupid. But, I think when I mentioned to him how long I go without washing my hair, that went right out the window. But we just really had a great conversation and I absolutely loved his answers to my questions. He seems so down to earth and real. He said he liked the interview because I was really conversational. I told him I was an interview virgin and he popped my cherry :-) I was flirting a little. I couldn't help it! He's a musician! But Jamie was here so I didn't forget about my beautiful husband. He told me he's going to make sure to make Cleveland a stop on his summer tour.

The article is due next Weds and Mer is coming to visit me from NY tomorrow so I'm a busy girl!

Speaking of busy, this little squishy is no longer keeping busy and she's proceeding to yell at me from her bouncy chair.

Time to get back to the real world