February 09, 2008 � Sometimes I need to break free
I don't know whats wrong with me lately, but my patience with the girls is thinner than normal. I keep saying to myself "I NEED A BREAK!", but the truth is, I've gotten breaks twice this week and it still doesn't feel like enough. Maybe its because I don't get the normal parental breaks at night because my girls don't go to bed until freaking 11 or midnight! I want some alone time with Jamie! I don't know what to do about it. I have already cut out Marci's nap. The baby gets all crazy at night and is bouncing off the walls and muck running until she finally crashes at 11 or 12. I have no sleep ethic for these kids and I don't know how to get one.

Today, I have put in my mind that I will clean the house from top to bottom, do something very exciting and fun with both kids, get myself all spiffied up AND have time for painting or reading later on. To be honest, this is how, in my dream life, all my days would go. I have been trying for forever to get myself organized and motivated but it never lasts. I have the hardest time pushing myself to do anything, lately. I don't know why. Maybe I am secretly depressed and even I don't know it.

At least me and Jamie are still doing great. Except for the minor little detail that we NEVER get any alone time together!

But enough whining...

I went to see "27 Dresses" with Jasmine yesterday. It was only OK. I am just getting so sick of watching the same cliche and predictable romantic comedies over and over again. I would love to see a romantic comedy where she DOESN'T end up with the guy. Where something totally unpredictable happens. Something more REAL. Thats why I love the movie "Waitress". If you want to watch a romantic comedy that is chock full of real human behavior and not fairy tale emotions, watch this movie. I love it because the good guys aren't always good and the bad guys aren't always bad. Its a very "grey scale" movie.

Alright well I have to go clean Marci's newly pierced ears