March 03, 2008 � Self Pity Party
Lately I feel like my life is just rays of light through the fog.

I just seem to always be in a funk.

Whether it be me and Jamie funk, funk with the kids, or just a "what does it all mean" funk, its just always funky here!!

Right now its a life funk. I don't like that I am almost 25 and am not heading in any direction with life other than being a licenseless stay-at-home mom. I mean, I love being with my girls and any career I have, I want it to be part time, but I need something to pursue. I need something I can use to MAKE something out of myself. Something other than a not-so-domestic goddess.

I just feel so talentless and dry. Like a tree with dead branches. I lost my green.

Everything I want to do with my life, I feel like the spark that used to be there--the talent--has been sucked away. I feel like I totally lost myself in being a mom. I am just in this big soul searching stage.

And my self esteem is at an all time low. I hate every part of my body, and I don't know how to fix that.

OK enough whining.

I'm going to drown my sorrows in retail