November 07, 2008 � No driving, no money, and NO NUNNIES
Right now, I feel like my life is filled with a couple unsolved problems. Money, nursing and (ug) my driver's license. Turning 25 on Saturday and NOT having a driver's license is a little embarassing. Not gonna lie! But, like always, that is on the bottom of my "to be solved" list.

The top of my list is money. I am so sick of always always ALWAYS being broke. It seems that, even though we are bringing in more now, we have even less then we've ever had. My life is one big insufficent fund. I got a lead on a new serving job where I could bring in up to 700$ a week. My friend (who was introduced to me by my current boss) works there and said she could put in a good word for me. However, if I pursue this with her, she told me she'd had to tell my boss (her friend) b/c she wouldn't want him to know she knew and be mad at her. So, its a delicate situation b/c what if I don't get the job and they know I was looking elseware, it could blow up in my face. But, I have to think of my family. The bottom line is we are not pulling in what we need to make ends meet, let alone have any spending money at all to do anything extracurricular. I need to do what I need to do to help my family.

Which brings me to my birthday. This is the first year (and if you know me at all, you know how much I love my birthday), that I decided to be mature and responsible and even though I had the day off, I picked up a shift at work. Jamie has been very frustrated with me lately with what he thinks is a lack of respect of our financial situation. We got into a fight on Weds and he even left and spent the night at his sisters! So, I had to show him I was taking this seriously by sacrificing my birthday celebration. I had people coming in from out of town and friends who requested off work, but I felt like it would be so selfish of me to take off a Saturday night. I think it really showed him I was thinking things with logic and not with my "awww but its my BIRTHDAY" thoughts and we're back to our happy Kate Heart and Jamie Love selves :-)

Now...NURSING! Or, as Squishy calls it, NUNNIES! I am so sick of this. Especially night nursing. I have looked up tips but I can't find anything that matches my situation. She will be 2 on Monday and there is no reason why she should be waking up to nurse 6-8x a night. Last night, she nursed continuously all night! I hardly got any sleep. I am going to really try to at LEAST night wean her, but its hard to do without disturbing our other co-sleepers! But it has to be done b/c I've lost that lovin' feeling when it comes to her "nunnies". Whenever she's trying to butter me up, she'll stroke my shirt and got "Awww. Pretty nunnies. Awww". She is a nunnies JUNKIE!

Right now she is crying for nunnies. I think I should go substitute this with some of her favorite food: MUSHROOMS