October 27, 2003 � :)
I am wearing makeup for the first time in a week.

When it feels like you have a hangover 24/7, making yourself look good isn't really your first priority.

Yeah this part really blows. I had to call off Friday cause I could barely move. And all the smelly candles and such I bought to make my house smell "autumny" is reallllyyy making me nauseus now. I can't even stand to be downstairs half the time. I cleared it all out down to the basement, but it's still "hovering" in the air. Febreeze came to my rescue, but not for very long.

Nothing else has really happened since last I wrote. I told my dad, but believe it or not, it wasn't that big of a deal. He's dealing with it but the fact that I'm already engaged and had a wedding date set really softens the blow, so thats ok.

I REALLY hate my job right now. I love Damons and I love the people, but the job sucks. I hate serving people. Waiting on them hand and foot like some slave. I go up to a table and just think "I hate you." I mean, here I am, feeling nauseus beyond your wildest dreams, I'm about to puke on the floor, my head is spinning, but you don't care as long as you get your ice tea. I need a less stressful job. I'm looking for something where I can wear cute little outfits and sit at a desk. i.e. secretary. It pays well and its easy. Thats what I want from my new job. Lucrative and simple. Is that so much to ask?

My sister Tia has some people staying with her from South Africa. I haven't met them yet, but I hear they are making fun of how we talk. Well, this is my country so we can make fun of YOU.

My birthday is coming up. I really want to have something but there aren't enough people here to have something. McNeil said she'd come down, but still...thats only three. Juliann, I think you owe it to me to come down for my birthday. After all those times I've driven you places, and had my mom make you deviled eggs, its only right.

Well, I have to be at class in 10 minutes and I don't know where in hell Jamie is. So Best go wait for him