October 28, 2004 � Stressed....
Sometimes, I really hate being grown up.

Especially when I'm not totally grown up.

And I'm not even talking the whole motherhood, marriage deal.


Remember when you were a kid?

And your biggest worries involved broken crayons, grass stained jeans, and homework.

I would just lounge on the couch, watching tv, and drinking coffee out of one of my sippy cups. My mom would put cereal in a coffee mug for me to snack on.

It seems like I was a kid for a long time. Longer then most people. I lived such an easy life up until college.

I'm just so super stressed out.

My house is a pit. I am by far the messiest person ever, and I HATE it. HATE IT HaTE IT HATE IT. I'm so super horrible at taking care of myself.

I can't change.

WHY can't I CHANGE??

I'm such a lazy fuck.


Thats all for now.