October 18, 2005 � My 5 day run down
Here is a run down of my last 5 days and why they SUCK:

Friday: Go out to the Skunk, and possibly get drugged because I don't see how I could only have one drink and be as sick as I was until 7 am.

Saturday: Still sick from the night before AND running only on 2 hours of sleep. It finally wears off by 6 or so, but by 9, I feel sort of flu-y.

Sunday: I have the full on flu. Fever, headache, dizzyness, everything. AND I had a long day at work.

Monday: Still sick with the flu. Lucky for me, Jamie stayed home from school to take care of me. I cooked him dinner to say thank you.

Tuesday: Woke up at 5 am so quesy I could barely stand it. Puked my guts out until 7, when it finally subsided enough for me to fall asleep. Still pretty sick. Pepto Bismal and ginger ale are my best friends. Jamie is sick too. Definatly from what I cooked last night. What a great thank you gift.