November 20, 2006 � Save me
Today is really hard. Not only has the baby not really been eating well for the last couple days and won't let me put her down (except for now b/c I FINALLY got her to sleep), but I found out that Frank...THEE Frank...the guy that almost broke my family in two not too long ago, got a job where Jamie works.

He didn't know he worked there.

Jamie is freaking out about it. I can completly understand why he is really upset about it. I am too. It's hard to put it in the past when its going to be looking you right in the face. Jamie loves the Olive Garden. He's been working there for two years and he has seniority and he has friends there. So, it must be really difficult. He told me "if that is Frank, then this isn't going to work." So, I called around and my friend Marcus said he could get him hired at Cafe 422..this fancy restaurant. And I talked to my sisters and they told me "Jamie is a very responsible guy. He'll figure something out."

So, when I called him to tell him it IS Frank, and that if he wants to quit Olive Garden, then he could get hired at 422, and he said "No. I'm not quitting. Either he's getting fired or we're both getting fired because I'm going to fight him." And I kept telling him that he can't handle it this way. He has a family of four now and I can't work. He told me there is nothing I can say or do to change his mine. I said "Jamie, I want you to be happy where you work" and he told me thats already ruined. So then I started crying and said "Do you know what its going to do to me when you go to work, sitting here with a two year old and a newborn, wondering if my husband is going to get fired and hurt every day??" and he said "You should have thought of that a year and a half ago before you did it" and hung up.

What am I supposed to do?? Everyone says to just give him time to cool off, but even if he DOES cool off, by the time he goes into work and SEES him, its going to start it all over again.

I'm really worried that this is going to ruin our marriage. He's going to go to work with Frank, come home angry, and remember over and over and over again how angry he used to be at me. It's just going to erode at us. I am SO commited to Jamie, but I don't have faith that he's as commited to me.

Why does this keep coming back to haunt me? Why can't I just get away from it for good??

They say to just let it go. I can't control him. Let him do what he's going to do. But I can't. He's my husband. Things that happen to him happen to me. I don't want him to fight. I don't want him to get fired. I don't want him to have a tense work enviroment. I want him to be happy. With me. And I'm so scared I'm going to lose that.

What a great day.